Quality is one of the most important words in the workplace today. Our customers want it and we want to deliver it. But how do we move from the buzzword to the bottom line? How do we turn wishful thinking into process improvement? How do we build and implement the methods for delivering the best quality products and services in the marketplace?
This workshop is designed to help you learn and practice the principles of Quality Management. Whether you call it ISO, TQM, SIGMA, or the latest acronym, the process is basically the same. You will learn:
The definition of “quality”
The importance of each service provider in the quality improvement process
The common element in all quality management systems
The Process Improvement Cycle
How to identify customer needs and expectations
How to identify and analyze the processes that deliver quality
How to improve and add value to the process
Various diagnostic tools for analyzing, monitoring and measuring the process
How to establish a customer feedback process and design a customer satisfaction survey
Steps for getting the most out of customer complaints and criticism
Ways to gain support for and eliminate the barriers to implementing changes in your department
How to insure quality with continuous process improvement
Methodology: Lecturette, group discussion, structured exercises, role play, brainstorm practice, OTJ assignment and video